Managing the disruption of COVID-19
As a business leader, whether of a small team, a department or an entire company, COVID-19 is forcing you to deal with an unprecedented level of uncertainty, ambiguity and change. James Ball discusses how best to navigate through this period.

Take a moment to ask yourself whether you have a clear picture of your position. Not just in a fiscal sense, but also whether you are being socially responsible. Do you know how to help? Are you working in accordance with the latest Government instructions and taking advantage of the support being offered?
- How can I do my job remotely?
- What does that latest Government guidance and support mean for me?
- How can I look after my family, my colleagues and my customers at the same time?
- How can I address the immediate issues that COVID-19 presents to my job, without losing sight of the medium and long term?
- Will I have a job next month, or even next week?
These are the questions many of us are asking in light of COVID-19, and the answers vary enormously for each of us. In some instances, they are things we’ve dealt with before but on a smaller scale and a slower rate of change. Nonetheless, when managing disruption of this magnitude, we can draw on lessons from the ways we plan and manage changes associated with business transformation programmes.
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Author: James Ball, Partner